Beep Boop
Collect and Response for a natural disaster.
This is a system of communication. It is a medium that connects physically separate archipelagos of communities without [water, electricity, food, representation]


Mailbox-less letters, graffiti, murals, and street art communicate.
Politics, injustices, directions, instructions, news, warnings, names, memories.
The walls of houses, guardrails on the highways
, flat or lumpy surfaces.
For general audiences; passersby, drivers, pilots. For specific audiences; the person looking for a parking space, the mayor, Hector, FEMA, AEE, Trump, god.
It works on its own, it is covered over by time or by more paint. It might be photographed at one moment in time and brought home. The message is spread over social media, amplified through sharing and tagging.
The ad hoc is that this form of communication fills a gap; when road signs are no longer true, when the news says there’s power but the lights don’t turn on, when the city is empty and you mark your trails with your name. The ad hoc is elegant; symbols and words and art.

beep boop